vendredi 27 février 2015
NewsShaft - Episode 2
February 26, 2015
This week we're discussing Jack Straw and Malcolm Rifkind's dodgy dealings earlier in the week, and poor old Natalie Bennet of the Greens' LBC interview gaffe, as well as coverage of First Ministers Questions. Joining us to discuss all that is our special guest Christopher Silver.
jeudi 26 février 2015
samedi 21 février 2015
Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp: Deutsche Bank - incomprehensible contradiction & indefensible union
Deutsche Bank:
the incomprehensible contradiction
and the indefensible union
by Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp (14 Feb 2015)
Deutsche Bank on the 13th of September last year claimed that a Yes vote would go down in history as a political and economic crisis for Scotland as big as the Great Depression in the US, has just published a report that states that Scotland is one of wealthiest regions across Europe and can make the case that it would prosper by seceding and going it alone.
The 'Great Depression' headline was one of the most outlandish and frankly ridiculous scare stories of the whole independence campaign. It came as part of the call from Downing Street for big business to come to the aid of the floundering No campaign...
David Whyte: 'How Corrupt is Britain?'
David Whyte: 'How Corrupt is Britain?', Pluto Press, 2015
"Banks accused of rate-fixing; Members of Parliament cooking the books; major defence contractors investigated over suspect arms deals; Police accused of being paid off by tabloids. The headlines are unrelenting these days. Perhaps it’s high time we ask: just exactly how corrupt is Britain?"
vendredi 20 février 2015
Dooyeweerd: Supra-temporal heart of humankind
Supra-temporal heart of humankind
God created humankind in His image. In the heart of humankind, the religious root, the center of its being, God concentrated all of creation toward His service; here He laid the supra-temporal root of all temporal creatures. This human heart, from which according to Scriptures flow the wellsprings of life, transcends all things temporal in the service of God. The whole religious sense (meaning) of God's creation lies in our heart, our entire ego, our complete self. This heart, in which according to the Word eternity has been laid, is the true supra-temporal center of human existence. At the same time it is the creaturely center of all of God's creation. The apostasy of this heart, of this root of creation, necessarily swept with it all temporal creation. In Adam not only all humankind fell, but also that entire temporal cosmos of which humankind was the crowned head. And in Christ, the Word become flesh, the second Covenant Head, God gave the new root of His redeemed creation, in Whom true humanity was implanted through self-surrender, through surrender of the center of existence, the heart.
(from "The Christian View of the State" by Herman Dooyeweerd)
jeudi 19 février 2015
My Own Life: Oliver Sacks on Learning He Has Terminal Cancer
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Drawing by Hanna Barczyk |
My Own Life
Oliver Sacks on Learning He Has Terminal Cancer
The New York Times 19 Feb 2015
A MONTH ago, I felt that I was in good health, even robust health. At 81, I still swim a mile a day. But my luck has run out — a few weeks ago I learned that I have multiple metastases in the liver.
NewsShaft - Episode 1
"The definitive Scottish politics podcast."
Released every Thursday at 2pm.
Presented by Jack Foster, James Devoy and Carolyn Scott.
mardi 17 février 2015
Jorge Luis Borges Interviewed by Ronald Christ (1967)
The Art of Fiction No. 39
Interviewed by Ronald Christ
The Paris Review
Winter-Spring 1967, No. 40
BORGES: [...] I remember the first novel in English I read through was a Scottish novel called The House with the Green Shutters.
INTERVIEWER: Who wrote that?
BORGES: A man called Douglas. Then that was plagiarized by the man who wrote Hatters Castle—Cronin—there was the same plot, practically. The book was written in the Scots dialect—I mean, people instead of saying money speak of bawbees or instead of children, bairns—that's an Old English and Norse word also—and they say nicht for night: that's Old English.
INTERVIEWER: And how old were you when you read that?
BORGES: I must have been about—there were many things I didn't understand—I must have been about ten or eleven. Before that, of course, I had read The Jungle Book, and I had read Stevenson's Treasure Island, a very fine book. But the first real novel was that novel. When I read that, I wanted to be Scotch, and then I asked my grandmother, and she was very indignant about it. She said, “Thank goodness that you're not!” Of course, maybe she was wrong. She came from Northumberland; they must have had some Scottish blood in them. Perhaps even Danish blood way back.
lundi 16 février 2015
mercredi 11 février 2015
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon: London UCL Speech/ Q&A (11 Feb 2015)
(Proceedings start at 3 mins into video)
Rt Hon Nicola Sturgeon MSP
First Minister of Scotland
"Austerity, inequality and the Scottish
approach to economic growth"
UCL Political Science and The Constitution Unit
London, 11 Feb 2015
Nicola Sturgeon is Scotland’s first female First Minister
and the first female to lead any of the devolved UK administrations.
Lydia Jaeger: Dooyeweerd et Van Til
Herman Dooyeweerd,
la « spéculation sur le logos » et la vérité
Sola scriptura – la jalousie de Dieu implique qu'aucune tradition humaine ne doit concurrencer l'autorité de la révélation biblique. Cependant, nous ne pouvons qu'être reconnaissants envers le Seigneur pour l'enseignement des docteurs (d'hier et d'aujourd'hui) qu'il a donnés à son Église. Parmi les grands noms du passé, l'étudiant d'Henri Blocher repérait vite un groupe d'auteurs moins connus, mais qui revêtaient manifestement une importance particulière : le courant dit « néo-calviniste », avec comme figure de proie Abraham Kuyper, Herman Dooyeweerd et Cornelius Van Til. Même si l'étudiant était souvent long à comprendre la signification de leur pensée, il avait conscience du bénéfice qu'il aurait à fréquenter leurs écrits. Grâce à l'encouragement ferme de mon professeur de théologie systématique et de pensée contemporaine, j'ai persévéré quand les textes – de Dooyeweerd et de Van Til surtout – se révélèrent, à la première lecture, d'accès ardu. L'effort a été récompensé : à divers moments de mon cheminement intellectuel, ils m'ont fourni des clés précieuses pour l'analyse épistémologique.
Dieu comme seule source
de la connaissance
— l’apologétique de Cornelius Van Til
de la connaissance
— l’apologétique de Cornelius Van Til
La foi au début de l’apologétique
« Quand on vous demande pourquoi vous espérez, soyez toujours prêts à donner des explications » (1 Pi 3.15) : dès les premiers temps de l’Église, l’apologétique, c’est-à-dire la défense raisonnée de la foi face aux arguments du non croyant a constitué une partie intégrante de l’annonce de l’Évangile. Elle est indispensable si la foi doit se distinguer de la crédulité ; sans elle, la conversion relèverait d’un choix arbitraire, et le croyant ne pourrait pas aimer Dieu « de toute sa pensée » (Luc 10.27). Mais avant qu’on avance tel ou tel argument en faveur de la foi chrétienne, il faut poser la question de la méthode : Quels types d’argument utiliser ? Quelle est la bonne démarche pour « prouver » la vérité du christianisme ? Et en particulier : Quelle place accorder à la foi en Dieu dans la démarche apologétique elle-même ? L’œuvre du théologien néo-calviniste Cornelius Van Til s’inscrit dans la réflexion aux fondements de l’apologétique.
lundi 9 février 2015
Is Government a Product of the Fall?
Is Government a Product of the Fall?
by Richard Mouw (29 Jan 2015)
What if the fall had not happened? Would institutions like the government have a place? Or is it just a necessary evil that exists only as a means to govern sinners and our selfish impulses? In this excerpt, Richard Mouw explores the goodness, purpose, and design of government, showing that—when functioning properly—government can be life-giving.
Dear Justice Kennedy: An Open Letter from the Child of a Loving Gay Parent
Dear Justice Kennedy:
An Open Letter from the Child
of a Loving Gay Parent
by Katy Faust (2 Feb 2015)
Dear Justice Kennedy,
June is nigh, and with it will come your ruling on the most contentious political issue of our time: marriage.
I write because I am one of many children with gay parents who believe we should protect marriage. I believe you were right when, during the Proposition 8 deliberations, you said “the voice of those children [of same-sex parents] is important.” I’d like to explain why I think redefining marriage would actually serve to strip these children of their most fundamental rights.
It’s very difficult to speak about this subject, because I love my mom. Most of us children with gay parents do. We also love their partner(s). You don’t hear much from us because, as far as the media are concerned, it’s impossible that we could both love our gay parent(s) and oppose gay marriage. Many are of the opinion I should not exist. But I do, and I’m not the only one.
This debate, at its core, is about one thing.
It’s about children.
mercredi 4 février 2015
Indyref changed everything – except what makes ‘news’ at BBC Scotland
Indyref changed everything –
except what makes ‘news’
at BBC Scotland
By G.A. Ponsonby (4 Feb 2015)
As ever, the talking heads and professional pundits ignore the elephant in the room when discussing Scottish politics – the BBC. Devolution didn’t change the BBC in Scotland, the SNP’s 2007 win didn’t change it, the nationalists 2011 historic majority didn’t change it either. The referendum even saw the BBC regress into a pro-Union colonial broadcaster.
BBC Scotland will alter this UK General election, at least in Scotland, of that there is no doubt. Whether the corporation can arrest completely the SNP surge remains to be seen, but it will try.
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